As program chair for 2007, do please keep me in the loop in any off-list 
conversations and decisions.


Holly Witchey
Director, New Media Initiatives
The Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Blvd.
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Phone: 216-707-2653
Fax: 216-721-4176
Email: hwitchey at

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of 
Misunas, Marla
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 12:15 PM
To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: Re: [MCN-L] CIDOC 2007 conference EN/FR call for paper

Dear Christian-Emil and other CIDOCers out there,
MCN has long admired your work and would certainly
be interested in working more closely together.

Our submission period for conference proposals has just
opened, at,
for our conference which will be held in Chicago
November 7-10.  We would love to see some of you there.

Feel free to contact me off-list so we may begin
a discussion.

Best wishes,

Marla Misunas
Collections Information Manager
Collections Information and Access
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
415-357-4186 (voice)
Check out SFMOMA Collections Online
President, Museum Computer Network

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of 
Christian-Emil Ore
Sent: Saturday, February 03, 2007 12:25 AM
To: mcn-l at
Subject: [MCN-L] CIDOC 2007 conference EN/FR call for paper

Dear all,
CIDOC is ICOM's international committee for museum documentation. CIDOC 
is the focus for the documentation interests of museums and related 
organizations. In many (most?) ways CIDOC is comparable to MCN and in my 
opinion a closer collaboration would be most profitable for both 

In 2007 CIDOC annual meeting will be held from August 20 to 22 and be a 
part of ICOM general meeting (August 19 to 24). The venue will be the
University of Vienna.

Kind reagards,
Chair  CIDOC

/Managing the global diversity of cultural information/

/Documentation of the Universal Heritage to support Universal

How do we continue to enhance our documentation practice to cope with
the new demands being placed on our museums? The museum is no longer a
place to store things we feel people will be interested in. It is now a
hub for communication about, and contextualisation of, the objects we
hold, the people who created them and the people who have come to
interact with them. Documentation needs to support this new, more
socially aware role while continuing to maintain the highest standards
of ethical and professional accuracy.

*CIDOC**2007* conference will be held as a part of the triannual ICOM
general conference in Vienna, Austria which last from August 19 to 24, 2007.

*CIDOC**2007* will be held from August 20 to 22. The venue will be the
University of Vienna.

see also, and

Call for papers

Contributions may take one of the following formats: full length paper
(20 min including question time) or short paper (10 minutes on any theme
proposed). The paper may be given in English, French or German.

We invite you to submit an abstract of your paper. The abstract should
be written in English and be in electronic form. It should be sent to
the following email address: cidoc2007 at
<mailto:cidoc2007 at> with
"CIDOC 2007 abstract" in the subject field. The deadline for submission
of abstracts is March 15, 2007. Authors will be notified of acceptance
by April 15, 2007.

Written abstract instructions:

    * An abstract must include a title
    * An abstract should not be longer than 500 words
    * Structure: introduction, objectives, conclusion

The following information has to be included:

    * Name and surname of the author(s)
    * Address of the institution (street, post code, city, telephone and
    * Email address of the author to which further information will be sent

The complete text of the paper should be sent by August 15, 2007, in
English, French or German and in electronic form only, to the email
address cidoc2007 at
<mailto:cidoc2007 at> with the
subject field "CIDOC 2007 paper", in order for us to be able to publish
it on the CIDOC web site.

/G?rer la diversit? mondiale de l'information culturelle/

/Documenter le patrimoine universel pour soutenir la responsabilit?

Comment pouvons-nous continuer ? d?velopper notre pratique en mati?re de
documentation pour faire face aux nouvelles exigences auxquelles nos
mus?es sont confront?s? Le mus?e n'est plus un lieu pour conserver les
choses susceptibles, ? notre avis, d'int?resser les publics. C'est
maintenant un carrefour de communication et un lieu de mise en contexte
des objets que nous conservons, de leurs cr?ateurs et des personnes qui
sont venues pour interagir avec ces objets. La documentation doit
soutenir ce nouveau r?le, plus socialement averti, tout en continuant ?
maintenir au plus haut niveau nos normes en mati?re d'?thique et
d'exigence professionnelles.

*CIDOC**2007* se tiendra dans le cadre de la conf?rence g?n?rale
triennalle de l'ICOM ? Vienne en Autriche qui aura lieu du 19 au 24 ao?t

*CIDOC* *2007* aura lieu du 20 au 22 ao?t. Le rendez-vous sera
l'universit? de Vienne.

Appel ? contributions

Les contributions peuvent prendre l'une des deux formes suivantes:
intervention compl?te (20 minutes comprenant le temps des questions) ou
succincte (10 minutes quelque soit le th?me). Les interventions peuvent
?tre propos?es en anglais, en fran?ais ou en allemand.

Nous vous invitons ? soumettre un r?sum? de votre intervention. Ce
r?sum? sera r?dig? en anglais et sous forme ?lectronique. Il sera envoy?
? l'adresse suivante: cidoc2007 at
<mailto:cidoc2007 at> avec la
mention "R?sum? CIDOC 2007" dans l'objet de votre message. La date
limite de la soumission des r?sum?s est fix? au 15 mars 2007 et les
auteurs se verront confirmer leur intervention le 15 avril 2007.

Instructions pour les abstraites ?crites:

    * Un r?sum? doit inclure un titre
    * La longueur du r?sum? ne doit pas exc?der 500 mots
    * La structure du r?sum? est la suivante: introduction, objectifs,

Les informations suivantes doivent ?tre pr?cis?es:

    * Pr?nom et nom de (ou des) auteurs
    * Adresse de l'institution (rue, code postal, ville, t?l?phone,
    * Courriel de l'auteur auquel les informations compl?mentaires
      pourront ?tre envoy?es

Le texte complet de l'intervention devra ?tre envoy? avant le 15 ao?t
2007, en anglais, en fran?ais ou en allemand, sous forme ?lectronique
seulement, ? l'adresse cidoc2007 at
<mailto:cidoc2007 at>
avec la mention "Intervention CIDOC 2007" dans l'objet de votre message
afin que nous puissions l'?diter sur le site Internet du CIDOC.

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