Hi all,

Forwarded from another list with its author's permission, the ad hoc 
report below may be of interest to MCN-L subscribers concerned with 
developments in software developer/vendor support for image metadata.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [updig] Metadata Working Group releases First Specification for 
Interoperability and Preservation of Metadata in Digital Photography
Date:   Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:32:22 -0500
From:   David Riecks <da...@riecks.com>

> All:
> A group going by the name of the "Metadata Working group" made a major 
> announcement at Photokina today and released a document that is designed to 
> help developers by providing best practices on how to create, read and modify 
> a set of core metadata values within digital images that use Exif, IPTC-IIM 
> and XMP. The groups involved in this initiative include a number of 
> long-standing digital imaging and metadata advocates such as Adobe Systems 
> Inc., Apple Inc., and Microsoft Corp.; as well as a few you might not expect 
> : Canon Inc., Nokia Corp. and Sony Corp.
> The primary thrust of the Metadata Working group is to reveal issues 
> regarding how metadata is exchanged and preserved as it moves between 
> applications and processes (devices, platforms and services), file formats 
> and metadata standards. This document, titled, "Guidelines for Handling 
> Metadata" was released this morning (September 24th), and discusses the use 
> of a small number of current metadata fields using existing standards to deal 
> with what they feel are the key questions that most consumers have about 
> images:
> -Who is involved with this image (who took it, who owns it, who?s in it)?
> -What is interesting about this image?
> -Where is this image from?
> -When was this image created or modified?
> The goal of the Metadata Working Group is to provide best practices 
> specifically for these nine critical data fields (Keywords, Description, 
> Date/Time, Orientation, Rating, Copyright, Creator, Location [created], and 
> Location [shown]), with the intent of solving interoperability issues for 
> consumers.
> Their model divides applications using metadata into three groups of 
> "Actors": Creators, Changers and Consumers. This roughly mirrors the vision 
> that the Stock Artists Alliance put out in their Metadata Manifesto in which 
> they talked about Image Creators, Image Distributors and Image Users. 
> However, the Metadata Working group paper takes this a step further and 
> defines the roles each device or application play when interacting with 
> metadata.
> They also discuss best practices for how, when and where metadata should be 
> changed in popular consumer still image file formats using existing industry 
> metadata standards. Wide scale adoption of these best practices should solve 
> many current problems that plague the photo community.
> While this initial effort targets consumer still-imaging metadata, rather 
> than those of the professional; they do mention in their paper that "Future 
> releases of this initiative will both refine and expand the effort."  In 
> fact, Josh Weisberg, chairman and founder of the Metadata Working Group and 
> director of Microsoft's Rich Media Group said that, "We've chosen to address 
> the most common issues photographers face as we feel this will make the 
> biggest impact for the average photographer," noting that "Down the road, we 
> will expand our work to include other metadata issues relevant to 
> photographers."
> So it does not appear to rule out the possibility that this may extend to the 
> professional workflow at some point. I will post a few comments in a follow 
> up to this post, but thought you might be interested to know about this 
> development.
> Details will be available from their website once that is launched. 
> http://www.metadataworkinggroup.org
> For now you can read more about this from the following releases:
> http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2008/sep08/09-24PhotokinaPR.mspx?rss_fdn=Press%20Releases
> http://www.globeinvestor.com/servlet/story/PRNEWS.20080924.AQW523/GIStory
> http://tinyurl.com/5xmj9z
> David
> --
> David Riecks  (that's "i" before "e", but the "e" is silent)
> Need Keywords for your database? Get the Controlled Vocabulary Solution
> http://controlledvocabulary.com/products/ support for a dozen of the
> most popular imaging applications from Adobe Bridge to Photo Mechanic.

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