Speaking of fair use:


For any who have not seen this story:


"McCain Campaign Feels DMCA Sting
Legal Analysis by Fred von Lohmann

Yesterday, the McCain-Palin campaign sent a letter to YouTube 
describing the troubles it has been having with bogus DMCA takedowns 
targeting its videos:

[O]verreaching copyright claims have resulted in the removal of non-
infringing campaign videos from YouTube, thus silencing political 
speech. Numerous times during the course of the campaign, our 
advertisements or web videos have been the subject of DMCA takedown 
notices regarding uses that are clearly privileged under the fair use 
doctrine. The uses at issue have been the inclusion of fewer than ten 
seconds of footage from news broadcasts in campaign ads or videos, as 
a basis for commentary on the issues presented in the news reports, or 
on the reports themselves. These are paradigmatic examples of fair 

It's heartening to see a presidential campaign recognize the 
importance of fair use and "remix culture" (the Obama-Biden campaign 
has also been the victim of frivolous takedowns from big media 
companies, so this is a bipartisan problem). EFF, the ACLU, Harvard's 
Citizen's Media Law Project, and Stanford's Fair Use Project have been 
making the same point for several years now. EFF has also been 
providing direct legal assistance to victims of DMCA abuse.

Unfortunately, the solution proposed by the McCain campaign addresses 
only the tip of the iceberg:

[W]e believe that it would consume few resources--and provide enormous 
benefit--for YouTube to commit to a full legal review of all takedown 
notices on videos posted from accounts controlled by (at least) 
political candidates and campaigns.

The obvious problem with this solution? It assumes that YouTube should 
prioritize the campaigns' fair use rights, rather than those of the 
rest of us. That seems precisely backwards, since the most exciting 
new possibilities on YouTube are for amateur political expression by 
the voters themselves. After all, the campaigns have no trouble 
getting the same ads out on television and radio, options not 
available to most YouTubers.

Let's start by identifying the real villains here: the major news 
media outlets. They are the ones censoring these political ads, based 
on the use of a few seconds of their footage. The networks need to 
back off and give fair use a wide berth. So let's start by shaming the 
bad guys here. In addition, lawsuits might help. Under the DMCA, both 
the campaigns themselves and YouTube have standing to sue those who 
send clearly bogus takedown notices. (EFF has represented video 
creators in a number of these cases, including against Viacom.)

There are other possible solutions, as well. Stay tuned for our 
specific ideas on what YouTube can do to protect fair use while 
staying within the bounds of its DMCA safe harbor protection (hint: as 
the McCain-Palin letter points out, you don't need a safe harbor if 
the video isn't infringing, something that human review by YouTube 
should be able to determine).

UPDATE: The McCain-Palin campaign has identified the news outlets 
behind the YouTube removals: CBS, Fox News, and the Christian 
Broadcasting Network. We noted above that NBC has targeted an Obama-
Biden video for removal. That's four news entities that should know 

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