A gentle reminder: Proposal deadline July 3, 2009. 
Call for Proposals, VRA Atlanta 2010
The Visual Resources Association's 28th Annual Conference will be held
in Atlanta, GA from Wednesday March 17th through Saturday March 20th at
the Westin Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta:
 (http://tinyurl.com/ovd96 )  
We are now soliciting proposals for the 2010 program sessions,
workshops, papers and special interest groups. 
A *Session* is a 90 minute moderated session with 3 or 4 speakers at 20
minutes each followed by a facilitated brief question and answer period.

A *Special Interest Group* is a 60 to 90-minute informal facilitated
group discussion on topics related to a specific community within VRA. 
A *Workshop* is a 3 to 4 hour workshop to develop skills and experience
in the field of Visual Resources, preferably with hands-on activities. 
General areas of interest include, but are not limited to: digital
photography; digital imaging and presentation technologies; strategic
planning; cataloging and metadata (including non-western, non-art, and
special topics cataloging); trend forecasting for the visual resources
profession; copyright and fair use; user instruction; and professional
status issues.  Attendees at the VRA Conference range from students and
new professionals to seasoned mid and late career VR curators. 
Proposals from and directed to all attendees are welcome.  We are always
looking for ways to round out our programming, make it fresh and unique
for our attendees, and therefore encourage submissions in VR-related
areas not listed above and from new constituencies. 
In our post-conference survey we found that our members are
particularly interested in the following themes & topics.  Overall these
topics reflect a concern with managing change balanced with continuity
in the future of our profession and the collections we manage.
?       Joint library & visual resources concerns 
?       Intellectual property issues, particularly in an international
context & as they involve contemporary art; also differences in
perspective on copy photography between libraries & VR collections 
?       Image & cataloging commons / resource sharing - the nuts &
?       Tips for younger professionals managing older staffers with
emphasis on user training for new technology tools 
?       New technologies (encore! encore!) 
?       Marketing & selling visual resources collections & services 
?       User instruction to various constituencies - faculty, students,
?       Time management, particularly in relation to job cuts &
increased workloads 
?       Planning for retirement 
?       Reconfiguring & equipping the former slide library for the
digital environment 
?       Leadership & mentoring 
?       Deposition of analog materials no longer in use
Look for the proposal link (above) to appear on the VRA.org homepage
very soon.  The quality of conference content depends upon YOUR ideas
and contributions.  The VRA Executive Board will be looking for
complete, concise and articulate submissions with full lists of
presenters.  Moderators may put out calls for speakers within a proposed
topic before submitting their completed topics to the Executive Board. 
Specificity regarding audio-visual needs including live internet
connectivity is required.  If there is an area of concern or interest
that you feel has not been addressed in previous programs, do consider
submitting a proposal.  Questions about the proposal process and the
various presentation formats included in the VRA conference program can
be directed to me at hraatz at artsmia.org.  The proposal deadline is July
3, 2009.  I look forward to receiving your proposals!
Heidi S. Raatz
Vice President for Conference Program
Heidi S. Raatz | Visual Resources Librarian
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
2400 Third Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404
(612) 870-3196 |
(612) 870-3029 - permissions |
hraatz at artsmia.org | 
permissions at artsmia.org | 
www.artsmia.org ( http://www.artsmia.org/ ) 

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