Absolutely on the mark. While FB does some basic functions OK, it's very
sloppy and clunky in many areas. For example, try to import your blog's RSS
feed and see what happens?

Andrew Fox
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
de Young Museum
50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
San Francisco, CA 94118
415.750.3615 voice
415.750.3550 fax

de Young
Legion of Honor

On 6/22/10 4:23 AM, "Hanan Cohen" <hanan at mada.org.il> wrote:

> Hi,
> I wrote about my experience/frustration while working with Facebook and
> my conclusion about the past and future of the company.
> http://info.org.il/english/facebook_is_just_sloppy.html
> Would love to get your comments.
> ---
> Hanan Cohen
> Webmaster
> Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem
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> <http://www.facebook.com/pages/-/127569645760>  - Twitter
> <http://twitter.com/madajerusalem>  - YouTube
> <http://www.youtube.com/user/madajerusalem>
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