Hello, all!  We are in the process of deciding how we want to proceed
with our professional photography.  Up until now, we've mostly had our
photography done on film (4x5 transparencies).  Occasionally, we'll get
digital photos taken, but the standard so far has been transparencies.
I've heard varying opinions on the validity of film, its advantages and
disadvantages, etc. and I wanted to cast a net and see if I can get a
broader perspective.  Has everyone gone completely digital at this
point?  Is anyone still using film for the majority of their
photography?  Are people using a combination of the two?  For us, the
cost is relatively equal (although the growing demand for digital images
will increase our operating budget for scanning equipment if we stick
with film, etc.) and there are clear preservation/migration issues
either way we go.  I'd love to hear any stories (good experiences and
bad) that might give us a little more information before we move forward
in the decision making process.  Thanks, everyone!



Maggie Hanson

Collections Information Manager

Portland Art Museum

1219 SW Park Ave. 

Portland, OR 97205


T: +1 503 276 4224

F: +1 503 276 4201

E: maggie.hanson at pam.org


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