This discussion is of great interest to me as we are in the situation here
at "the MAC" where our current web host is quitting the web hosting

There are 2 pieces of information I would appreciate from anyone with an

1 - Is there anyone in this community who has used or created a RFI (Request
For Information) that would be willing to share that document with me ??
Please send to me directly at the email below. I would be very grateful.

2 - Who hosts your site (one stop shop, self host or split design, CMS,
Host) and how happy are you ??

Any comments and help very gratefully accepted as we have a fairly
aggressive timeline to move hosts.

Peter Turner 
Information Technology Specialist 
Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture
2316 West First Ave 
Spokane, WA 99201 
Phone   509-363-5327 
Fax     509-363-5303
Email   petert at

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of
Holly Witchey
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 9:08 AM
To: Bstokes at; Museum Computer Network Listserv
Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Organizational Question

Dear Bill:

I agree with Barbara's comments below with a caveat.  Museum leadership
should be called upon to make the decision on who manages web site but
they should make the call from a position of educated strength.  My
recommendation is, unless you are simply rolling in money, that the
responsible path for any cultural heritage organization to take in 2008
is to send out an a Request for Information (RFI) as opposed to an
Request for Proposal (RFP) to several developers asking them to comment,
in a brief document, on what they do for your institution, how they
would propose to do it, how you would manage it, and what, in general,
it might cost--you should also include your current favored vendor in
the process.  When all the responses come back in you then weight the
pros and cons, sometimes a favored vendor will come in higher than
others, but a good working relationship might compensate for the
additional cost.  This information is then presented to the museum
leadership, or reviewed in conjunction with museum leadership, depending
on the size of your institution, and a decision is made. 

If it comes down to a choice between one or two, then you might want to
go with a full blown RFP, but I've always found RFIs are just as useful
and not as time consuming for all parties. Then...once you've chosen
your vendor the most important thing is to MANAGE EVERYONE'S
EXPECTATIONS.  This means creating a specifications document for the
final project that sets out what you are going to do, what they are
going to do and assure that everyone one understands the parameters of
the project. 

Hope this helps,

Holly Witchey
Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44106
hwitchey at

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of
Barbara Stokes
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 10:59 PM
To: 'Museum Computer Network Listserv'
Subject: Re: [MCN-L] Organizational Question

Your museum leadership should make the decision on who manages the
In our museum, website management is part of marketing and development.
As for your proposal to submit specs to several website vendors rather
than stay with the current vendor in revamping the site, it depends on
how reliable and service-oriented your current vendor is and what their
capabilities are. Not a definitive answer, I know, but there are a lot
of factors to be considered.

Barbara Stokes, Senior Curator
Archives, Collections, and Programs
Museum of South Texas History
200 N. Closner Boulevard
Edinburg, TX 78541
bstokes at
-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at [] On Behalf Of
william jahsman
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 9:47 AM
To: mcn-l at
Subject: [MCN-L] Organizational Question

Hi, list members.
I'm a recent subscriber. I work at a museum-in-progress, The Leonardo,
in Salt Lake City. As with all startups, there are a million things to
do. My short list is programming for Body Worlds and beyond, procurement
of a membership system, new website development, and infrastructure.
The exhibits director is proposing we sole source our website
development to our current vendor. Our current website
( is beautiful but not very functional. I'm
proposing we submit our requirements to several vendors and choose the
best one. Is it customary for an exhibits manager to specify website
development? How is it handled in your organization?
Bill Jahsman
The Leonardo
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