We are in the process of moving to flash streaming. We use it in a limited
way so far on a flash history project (Jewish Women and the Feminist
Revolution, http://www.jwa.org/feminism/  that launched a year ago, and it
has simply worked well for that exhibit.) It has been used very successfully
by the Massachusetts Medical Society who customized players with their logo
and (in the case of the training videos, with considerable look and feel
add-ins) for everything from audio interviews to training videos. I am less
concerned about flash for video, but the idea of serving audio with WMV or
Real or QuickTime, with the plethora of distracting ads (and in WMV's case,
those backgrounds) all, entirely out of our control, is a significant bit of
stupidity we hope to now avoid.

With real, wmv, or mov, we have used Real's Helix server and Apple's Darwin
server. Those were fine and actually offered some nice benefits. I am not
sure what load the flash-served audio (mp3) or video (flv) will put on our
generally-not-overwhelmed servers. Word is that we'll be fine.


On 3/1/07, Christina DePaolo <Christinad at seattleartmuseum.org> wrote:
> Hi MCN l-serve,
> I have a question for web folks out there. I would like to know who uses
> flash as a standard to serve up audio and video within html or database
> driven web pages. If you do, do you stream the files? And how many files
> do you serve up - are there bandwidth or performance issues?
> I would like to know who in our community uses flash for serving media
> and what configuration/set up works for you.
> I appreciate any information you can share. Thank you.
> Christina DePaolo
> New Media Manager
> 1109 First Avenue, Suite 406
> P 206.654.3165
> F 206.654.3250
> seattleartmuseum.org <http://www.seattleartmuseum.org/>
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