Forwarded for a colleague (below). Please excuse any cross-posting.
Best regards,

>"At the Crossroads: inside, outside, past, present, future"
>ARLIS/NA 35th Annual Conference
>Atlanta, GA April 26-30, 2007
>The ARLIS/NA 2007 Atlanta Conference Planning Committee is pleased 
>to announce the availability of online registration at 
>Please take advantage of the early registration rate which has been 
>extended to March 30th.  The conference website is constantly 
>evolving and detailed information has been added on the conference 
>program, including details on workshops and sessions.  You can also 
>find a preliminary list of exhibitors, tours, and special events to 
>help you in your initial planning.
>The Atlanta Conference organizers have worked diligently to plan an 
>unforgettable conference for our 35th anniversary.  We urge you to 
>join us in April for what promises to be a momentous gathering.
>Kristina Keogh
>Publications/Publicity Coordinator
>ARLIS/NA 35th Annual Conference Atlanta 2007
>Reference Librarian for the Arts
>Virginia Commonwealth University
>Richmond, VA

Maureen A. Burns, Ed.D.
Humanities Curator
Visual Resources Collection
61 Humanities Instructional Building
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-3375
949-824-8027 phone
949-824-4298 fax

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