
If you have experience using RFID technology or UPC scanners in  
exhibits or classroom activities, I could certainly use your help.   
I'm working up a proposal for a classroom activity on solid waste  
that would link either system to a database.  Kids will be given a  
bag of garbage items and then work with a database to sort the items  
into the appropriate disposal categories: recycle, compost, e-waste/ 
universal hazardous waste, and landfill.  I think using either system  
would greatly simplify the activity as kids would just have to simply  
scan or, in the case of the RFID chips, place the items in the  
appropriate bin to get feedback from the database.

I'm currently leaning toward using a UPC scanner system because I  
believe it would be easier for the center's staff to periodically  
update the activity with new items.

What are the benefits or tradeoffs to each system?
How technically challenging is it to program RFID chips?
How have these systems been used in exhibits or classroom activities?

Any information you have would be really helpful.

Thank you,
Ned Zimmerman-Bence

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