--Please excuse the cross posting?

Museums and the Web 2012 (MW2012) April 11-14 will feature speakers 
from around the world, presenting their latest work and research 
findings. Proposals are peer-reviewed by an international Program 
Committee in a very competitive process and then selected papers are 
published in the MW2012 Proceedings.  Preview these papers online at 
www.museumsandthe.com and then add the site to your RSS feed 
http://www.museumsandtheweb.com/rss.xml to find out about additional 
papers as they are published online. Each attendee receives the printed 

There is still time to join us in San Diego, with Just in Time 
registration extended through April 6th

The full Program is online:

Keep up on what?s going on at the conference on Twitter by following 

Nancy & Rich
MW2012 program co-chairs

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