Of interest...
Deb Wythe
Brooklyn Museum

On October 4, 2011, James Neal <http://www.columbia.edu/%7Ejneal/> , Vice 
President for Information Services and University Librarian at Columbia 
University Libraries, addressed METRO and ACRL/NY <http://www.acrlny.org/>  
members with his talk, 

"Fair Use is Not Civil Disobedience: Rethinking the Copyright Wars and the Role 
of the Academic Library." 
The recording of this talk is available on the METRO website for your 
convenience at: 


Jason Kucsma
Acting Interim Director & Emerging Technologies Manager
Metropolitan New York Library Council
212.228.2320 x123
www.metro.org <http://www.metro.org/> 

deborahwythe at hotmail.com 

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