I have a couple of questions about Apps and I am hoping that someone
here has some experience that will help us phrase a grant proposal
without sounding totally wack.

We have a new section of our website that is a Google Mashup -

It occurs to us that the most natural pairing between a Google Mashup
that asks people to "put Jewish women 'On the Map'" is to better
enable that with an iPhone and/or Android, etc. App. There you are.
You are at an historical location--maybe you see a plaque or a statue
in front of you. Maybe it's the storefront where a house or auditorium
or something else once stood. You pull out your iPhone to take a
picture and show your friends. Maybe it would also be fun to share it
with the world. We think it could be.

1. I know that there are apps for sending pictures from an iPhone to
Facebook or to Flickr. I also know that lots of people use their
phones to email pix to themselves, and then upload to those locations
from email back at their computers (or by launching email on the
mobile device and then uploading?). Is anyone using such a
direct-uploading app that is compelling? Is there an open source
version on which we could work to develop a Drupal API so that people
could upload to our website?

2. What are reasonable evaluation criteria? Based on how many people
use our Facebook App (granted, it isn't particularly exciting in its
current iteration), I find it hard to believe that as many as 600
people would download this. Does that sound like a lot for a
specialized application? Too little? Is it fair to assume that people
downloading the app would use it at least once? More than once
(assuming that we have written something that fits the environment and
is usable)? We can make guesses about how much the existence of the
App would be retweeted and blogged about, but are there other
evaluation criteria that would help us understand if this was/wasn't

3. I'm thinking that we may want to include a way to survey
participants/app downloaders. Can we reach people once they have
downloaded our app? Do we get any info about them (other than what is
passed to our site when someone uploads an image) from the Apps store
or whatever? What can we do to remind people that they have the app,
hoping to encourage ongoing use even as people download new apps and
life moves on? How hard might it be to include a "most recently
uploaded" RSS feed as part of the app?

Obviously I'll be showing up at MCN in the fall with loads of
questions! If any of ya'll who have gotten here way ahead of us have
reportable experience, I'll be glad to hear of it now.

Many thanks,

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