From: Eisenhardt, Chuck 
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 9:45 AM
To: 'Melissa Johnson'
Subject: Tech adventures

Thanks for sharing this. The real lessons should go to your
management and Board, who have to spend a little cash once
in a awhile, if they want to stay in dance! Happily your team is
going have to put a dollar figure on the impacts to your
business, for insurance purposes. This is number that you
can be considering when justifying such 'ancillary' overhead as
backups, backups of backups, offsites, heavy UPS, adaptive
firewall, email security, critical software updates, and even
(ohmygosh) a qualified 7-day support function, whether you
choose tp source inside or out, or a combination.

I think as a Collections person you understand that this is
part and parcel of implied responsibility to your donors,
no less so than worrying about humidity, preservation
standards, physical security,  and the like.

I'm getting out of the tech business,  at least in a formal
sense, after 33 years, 22 of those in museum IT. Quite
frankly it's always been like rolling a boulder uphill, in
a hair shirt, only to find out  the hill was only an outlier of 
another much larger mountain.

Charles Louis Eisenhardt
Director of Information Systems
Boston Children's Museum
eisenhardt at bostonchildrensmuseum.org
617-425-6500 x 289
617-312-3673 cell

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