So....I'm sure we've all read about the iPad.  For me, it's fairly  
close to what I expected -- not the answer to all things digital but a  
more advanced e-book reader with some other features.  I wouldn't  
replace my iphone, itouch, laptop or desktop with an iPad but I will  
visit the Apple store to check it out when it is available.

Would I buy one?  I would like to buy an e-book reader and so far it  
sounds like a very cool one, altho higher priced than kindle etc but  
probably a lot easier to read.  I would use it at home -- yes, cancel  
our print newspapers and read on it -- tho how will my husband take  
one section of the newspaper and I another section?  And I would read  
work type books and the odd fiction book on the reader.  I'm not  
rushing out to get an iPad -- but I will seriously consider it.

On another point, just got back from NYC and the Information Industry  
Summit (of the SIIA) where many interesting speakers shared their  
thoughts on where the content business is going -- curious do museums  
consider themselves in the content business per se?  One of the  
constant topics during the conference was the notion that intellectual  
property needs to "flow" amongst devices whether ipad, laptop etc.   
Another trend discussed was that 2010 is the year of the individual  
when it comes to technology and uses of content -- individuals are  
using content more than ever, and in newer ways.  And a third item --  
is an e-book a misnomer and what would be a better name for digital  

Just some thoughts.


Lesley Ellen Harris
lesley at

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