Hello everyone,

At the National Museum we have some equipment for environmental measurements in 
the 18 exhibition rooms are brand oaklon, the problem is that in order to know 
the measurements should be down each of the dataloggers and download the 
information into a computer, therefore the information is not online is because 
that work is done weekly

We are interested in having our 40 dataloggers in a system online so that those 
responsible may review the conditions on your computer at the time and not a 
week later, I would like to know experiences from other museums to obtain this 
information online through wireless network and the LAN, or what alternatives 
are already familiar with these devices is trademark "Oakton" or with other 


Margarita Lucia Vivas Becerra
Coordinadora Inform?tica
Museo Nacional de Colombia
Carrera 7 # 28 - 66
Tel. 3 81 64 70 Ext. 2130
mvivas at museonacional.gov.co <mailto:cmatalinarobayo at museodelchico.com>
Bogot?, Colombia

El Museo Nacional de Colombia invita a la Exposici?n Las Historias de un grito. 
200 a?os de ser Colombianos. Del 3 de julio al 10 de octubre del 2010.

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