Happy Monday everyone! I've got a discussion question for y'all,
prompted by a discussion Nancy (Proctor) and I were having yesterday
about educational outreach:
Do you think that different types of museums (art, history, science,
etc.) have different approaches for leveraging social media?
Personally, I haven't seen that there's a consistent difference in the
way types of museums use social media for outreach, but there definitely
is for institutional websites and web-based programs. The differences I
have seen  tend to be based more on the size and organizational
structure of the museum, rather than the content. But I have to admit
that I haven't done an exhaustive survey of the field.
Have you noticed differently? Have you adjusted your strategy based on
the type of content being presented?
Perian Sully
Collections Information Manager
Web Programs Strategist
The Magnes
2911 Russell St.
Berkeley, CA 94705
Work: 510-549-6950 x 357
Fax: 510-849-3673

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