I am sure this is not common among websites, but this is quite easily
available by looking up any non-profit through the Foundation
Guidestar <http://www2.guidestar.org/>.  That aside, I would really like to
know what type of museum related sales would be covered by what type of
Flexible Spending Account.

Len Steinbach


On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Stan Orchard <stanorchard at mac.com> wrote:

> I received an email from a recent visitor and thought I'd ask in here
> if anyone has done this. S/he was asking if we could publish our tax
> ID number because...
> "Flexible Spending Account reimbursement requires us to include in our
> paperwork."
> I'd never heard of that before. Have you? This person clearly ID'd so
> it wasn't some kind of phishing expedition. Is this common among
> museum Web sites?
> ------------------------------------------
> Stan Orchard
> Web Publisher
> Pacific Science Center - Seattle
> http://google.com/profiles/stanorchard
> ------------------------------------------
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