As long as I am asking convoluted questions....

At the last MCN conference I attended, two years ago, I was very
interested in several SIGs and thought that I "joined". Here it is two
years later. I can't recall any SIG discussions that I have had in the
intervening time (other than the IP-SIG, for which Amalya posts
frequently and noticably), and those particular SIG pages, including
the related resource pages, do not look like they have changed since.

Is this people's general experience? Did I most likely just not make
my interest known such that it was captured and acted on (as in, be
part of ongoing discussions)?

And, of course, am I the only person who suspects that a wiki, perhaps
among other CoP tools, might be a better way to capture and maintain
information in these SIGs, as generated, rather than what appear to be
the current static, unmaintained html pages?

Is there more we can do with SIGs that would be useful? Which ones are
meeting at MCN (I think I noticed two or three SIG meetings--IP SIG,
plus California and Taiwan? in the calendar....)


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