Dear all,
need help and feedback.
Thank you
annamaria Poma Swank
pomaswank at

 Art museums and "culture of new media"
*First* : our project refers to museums websites, their function and their
configuration and their mission....With websites we have been putting
museums in cyberspace. But, in our opinion, without clear understanding of
what we were or are doing.... (CMS is another story) We create museums
without walls, but we have also museums within walls: what is the
relationship if any between the two?....we have approved definitions by
competent associations about bricks and mortar Museums: accreditation is
done according to such definition plus other words we have
a general model to refer to!!!!. But we do not have is a model for a museum
website, a set of rules, a clear definition or a consensus  for  "the
accreditation" of the digital or virtual musuem i.e. a museum websites.
(only technical Standards)
Peter Welsh wrote an interesting article about  Re-configuring museums . His
intent is:  to offer @a framework, or armature, around which more complex
understanding of museum practice might be built."
He adds " that in museology we should orient our conversation about museums
in ways that respect what has been while we imagine what could be." Well my
question is why we do not do this with museum websites (MUSEUM
WEBLIOLOGY)....first with a distinguo and second creating a model against
which we can compare present and future museums websites practice.
The literature is rich of study on museums websites, with particular stress
on user studies...statistics are always in place on the use, on the where,
when and why the websites come about. Discussions on technology advancement
and the frenzy to use no address the real question: what is it
this virtual reality we created and create? is  an extension of the museum?
has the some characteristics of the museum, its mission, its organization,
the some aesthetics means, etc. ? I believe that the function of the two is
related yes but distinct. For example the museums websites represent the
some objects in ways that museums could not  do..., have educational
possibilities that museums do not have.....ways to presents objects in
various ways the museums could not do....and so forth....but again what is
missing is the link between the two things.... Management of website is
different from manangement of museums, curators of websites need special
qualifications and instruments that the museums curators do not need and
viceversa.  The marketing feature is not so critical for museum websites as
it is for museums...or eventually has a different meaning...the same for
users/visitors...there are and will be people who will never have the
opportunity to visit a certain museum, does not matter how good or bad is
its relative website...and other people who will always want to experience
the "aura" of the museum and its collection
*Second:* After we finished my report on CMS, we got intrigued by the actual
museology studies or as many now say "museum studies" and their
transformation. Studies that focus on the the *re-configuring of
museums*(Welsh 2005), on the traditional museum, Faucult museums
theory, the
postmodern, the post museums, and morever museum an globalization.
Trends seems twofold: an interest on the *museums without* as driving force
for the change od museums within. (actually I believe that somebody should
take the task to organize all the overwelming amount of sources and may be
come up wirh a biliography raisonee). We should know better that there are
many the factors that change  any human enterprise. And we believe that in
this case technology is not the magic tool for change: technology should be
an instrument of reflexion on museums mission, history, function and so
forth. The many surveys on museums to measure the success of their websites
are interesting, but only if they are related to the particular museum in
What is a success for a one, could be a pitfall for another. The same for
users. The relation of the Uffizi museum in Florence with its visitors,
could not be the same that the relation between visitors and New Zealand
aborigenal musuems. Each museum live in a context and in its own particular
historical, social, politicol etc. background. >We do not suggest that we
cannot reach aggreement and create standards, but we need to justify the
standards based on practices of museums, their history, their mission, etc.
So the question if techonology change the museum, or viceversa can be solved
and we might find the interdipendence of the two that are not mutually
exclusive, but are not either the same.
An article " Museums and the culture of new media: an empirical model of New
Zealand museum websites" by David D. M. Mason  ; Conal McCarthy  : they
discuss 7 categories as main points of an idilazed museum model, but in my
opinion they still mix the website and the museums offerings. However  the
authors underline the lack of detailed research on the intersection of
museums and new media and they actually end calling for further resarch not
about technology, but on the "culture of new media"
I would like to take this challange and go on where they left.

For this reason I would propose a porject articulated in two parts (enphasis
on art museums):

1. A very inclusive review of the literature (museology, technology, users,
etc.) since the 1997 to make a pointof the status of research worldwide (who
is doing what, who is saing this or that, who are the protagonist of the
museums scenario and softorth)

2.A survey of a group of Museums (may be randomly selected from the list of
IMLS) as for: their history, how they come about, their development, their
mission,etc.; their staff (directors and curators particularly, but also
registrars and whoever is in each organization part ot the management of the
museum); their activities, their goals, their audience; their fundraising
activities.; their exhibition and acquisition policies;their education (if
any) efforts; budget, fundraising, etc.: in other words the whole history of
the museums from the founding up to the computer revolution. When we have
the complete picture of each museums history and growth whe shoud make an
enquire about what the intersection *of museums and new media .*

The second part of the study will be conducted through:
 *a)* research on site (visits, archival material, biographies, writings
etc.) ;
* b)* a questionnaire on the if when, why, who, how, what about the use of
technologies and results.

I strongly hope that a group of scholars in the field of museology and
computer professionals would join us in this task.

This is a draft, kind of my feelings and my thinking: not the final proposal
of the project:

your feedback is very much appreciated.

(project time span anticipated: one to two years)

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