Dear colleagues,

I am currently working on a consultancy to re-vamp an existing  
website to be a bigger and better (and more attractive) online  
resource (for academics, laymen, students...), and provide access to  
a huge digitised collection of images (for educational use AND sale).

I am in the process of developing a questionnaire/survey for existing  
and potential users. We will be looking at the website very  
critically, and shall also be addressing accessibility issues. I have  
two queries:

1. Is there any standard 'model' questionnaire to judge the usability  
and accessibility of a web site? I suspect that no one standard is  
possible... this being the case, would anyone have any good ideas of  
sample surveys that have been useful for other, similar projects?

2. I am aware of some web-sites and software that are used for  
accessibility tests; is there a recommended 'best' or standard?

You may reply directly to me at the address below, instead of posting  
to the list.

Many thanks,


- - -

Lorna L. Abungu
Cultural heritage consultant

P.O. Box 66, Ngara
00600 Nairobi - Kenya
Tel. +254-722-523600
l.abungu at

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