It's not too late: there are still  5 days left to sign up for the first *MCN
Pro Workshop* coming up *Tuesday, December 11, 2012 *from *11:30 am to 2:00
pm EST.*

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WORKSHOP 1: *Creating a Video Channel for Your

Whether you?re thinking about putting content on YouTube, iTunes U, Vimeo
or ArtBabble, this introductory session will show you how to get your
videos out there. The workshop is a primer on the different platforms and
what you need to consider when developing and publishing video content on
them, including resolution, framerate, compression, as well as other less
technical topics like organization, branding and analytics.****

*What you will learn:*****

   1. Video as expression in digital culture****
   2. Content strategy****
   3. Equipment and technical specifications****
   4. Mobile****
   5. Distribution****
   6. Digital asset management and preservation****
   7. Rights

Introduction by MCN President, Allegra
The Museum of Modern Art

Workshop led by Neal Stimler <>,
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Emily Lytle-Painter <>,
Indianapolis Museum of Art
David Hart <>, The Museum of
Modern Art

Eric Longo
Executive Manager
Museum Computer Network <>
+1-888-211-1477 x708
eric at

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