
We have a template here at The Corning Museum of Glass.  I'd be happy to share. 
 Email me off-list if you'd like to see.


Megan McGovern
Digital Asset Specialist
The Corning Museum of Glass
607.438.5329 office
607.684.5890 mobile
607.438.5392 fax
mcgovernmh at cmog.org

-----Original Message-----
From: mcn-l-bounces at mcn.edu [mailto:mcn-l-boun...@mcn.edu] On Behalf Of 
Deborah Wythe
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 8:11 AM
To: mcn-l at mcn.edu
Subject: [MCN-L] DM, DAMS: metadata for museum candids


We're starting to work on developing a metadata template for what I call 
"Museum life" images -- events, activities, people, programs -- so that we can 
fold them into our DAMS and make them more accessible to staff. I recall a 
session a couple of years ago where there was some discussion of this topic. 

Are you working on this? Have you solved it? I would love to "convene" a group 
of folks to compare notes and develop something that could be a model for 
others. I have two grad interns who are going to take on the project in the new 
year who could compile and report back our findings. 


Deborah Wythe
Brooklyn Museum 
Digital Collections & Services
718 501 6311
deborahwythe at hotmail.com                                       

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