Hi Kelly,

One thing you might want to consider, particularly in regard to collecting
digital news content, is the use of PDF/A.  This would be an alternative to
the use of word for any material copied from the internet.  The Society of
American Archivists produced a webinar on the use of PDF/A a few years ago
and one can still view it from this link (for a fee)

In terms of content distributed through other media outlets, like TV and
radio, you might be able to ask those stations to send you a copy of their
coverage.  You'd then just need to manage it with the rest of your digital
assets.  If you expect to be collecting alot of digital media items (even
digital media artworks), you might want to look into a digital asset
management system that would support digital preservation (fixity checks,
forward migration, etc).

Hope this helps!

Molly Tighe
Archivist, Mattress Factory Museum
Archives Consultant, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:15 PM, Kelly Carpenter <
kcarpenter at albrightknox.org> wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> I was wondering if any institutions are facing the same issue as the
> AKAG in regards to archiving and preserving digital press/news content
> published in connection to Gallery exhibitions and events. The Gallery's
> Marketing Department sent me a few questions that I have copied over
> below. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as this continues to
> be a time sensitive issue.
> Questions:
> *         Is copying digital press/news content into a word.doc/scanning
> the most enduring way to save a copy of digital news content posted
> online?
> *         If content is saved using a browser, does that content become
> lost/inaccessible if that browser becomes obsolete in the future?  What
> about saving html/code?
> *         How are museums archiving/saving video and audio content
> posted online by TV stations etc?
> Again, I appreciate any suggestions.
> Many thanks to all!
> All the best,
> Kelly
> Kelly Carpenter
> Digital Media Manager
> Albright-Knox Art Gallery
> 1285 Elmwood Avenue
> Buffalo, NY 14222-1096
> 716.270.8235
> kcarpenter at albrightknox.org
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