
Yes, thanks--I'd love to talk with your e-commerce person. I'm just doing
some background research right now, and so few institutions appear to have
integrated solutions, that I think that conversation would be quite
illuminating. Thanks!

*Koven J. Smith*
Director of Technology

720-913-0136 office
917-727-2612 mobile
ksmith at
twitter: 5easypieces

Denver Art Museum
100 W. 14th Avenue Parkway
Denver, CO 80204

Visit and subscribe to our
The Denver Art Museum salutes the citizens of metro Denver for helping fund
arts, culture and science through their support of the Scientific and
Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) <>.

On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:13 AM, Matthew Cock
<MCOCK at>wrote:

> Hi Koven,
> The BM sell products, tickets and membership from the same platform -
> called Venda. I can put you in touch with our e-com head if you want,
> Best wishes
> Matthew
> Mcock at
> Head of Web | Department of Learning and Audiences | The British Museum |
> Sent from Blackberry: 07971433841
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: mcn-l-bounces at <mcn-l-bounces at>
> To: mcn-l at <mcn-l at>
> Sent: Wed Feb 06 23:48:54 2013
> Subject: [MCN-L] Shop and ticketing
> Hey, MCN-ers! I'm looking for any concrete examples out there of museums
> that have tightly integrated their ecommerce and ticketing solutions,
> ideally with some sort of single-cart checkout, so that the end user is
> able to buy tickets, memberships, and shop items with a single transaction.
> Bonus points if you're also integrating the collections in some way (via
> print-on-demand or other).
> If you're one of these rarefied creatures, can you tell me a little about
> what software(z) you're using, and how the integration(z) work? Thanks in
> advance!
> Koven
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *Koven J. Smith*
> Director of Technology
> 720-913-0136 office
> 917-727-2612 mobile
> ksmith at
> twitter: 5easypieces
> Denver Art Museum
> 100 W. 14th Avenue Parkway
> Denver, CO 80204
> Visit and subscribe to our
> e-newsletter<>.
> The Denver Art Museum salutes the citizens of metro Denver for helping fund
> arts, culture and science through their support of the Scientific and
> Cultural Facilities District (SCFD) <>.

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