Thank you, Michael.  While Im a huge fan of Omeka personally, I don?t
believe it would fit in with our current architecture as seamlessly as we
would like it to.  So the hunt continues.


On 3/9/13 7:48 AM, "Michael J. Bennett" <Michael.Bennett at>

>You may have already done this, but have you kicked the tires on Omeka
> by chance?  It's more of a php thing, though, than
>perhaps what you're ideally looking for.
>I actually like your current Vuefind - IIPMooViewer integration.  It
>looks like you're serving up the slides as scalable JPEG 2000 masters?
>I'm not sure if Omeka would play as nicely with IIP.  But I haven't
>tested either in some time now, so I'm a bit rusty on the latest and
>Michael J. Bennett
>Digital Production Librarian
>University of Connecticut
>Homer Babbidge Library
>369 Fairfield Way, U2005-P
>Storrs, CT 06269
>860-486-6017 fax
>From: mcn-l-bounces at [mcn-l-bounces at] on behalf of Edwards,
>Chris [chris.edwards at]
>Sent: Friday, March 08, 2013 4:28 PM
>To: Museum Computer Network Listserv
>Subject: [MCN-L] Javascript thumbnail/gallery viewer recommendation?
>We are looking for a piece of software for our thumbnail/gallery view
>that would ideally be written in Javascript or Jquery.  We have a
>collection of 35000 35mm slides that are described at the box level (eg
>Uxmal [10 of 28 slides]) and want to include this as part of our Digital
>Library to allow a user to view an entire box at a time.  Almost like a
>digital contact sheet.  The collection in question can be seen at:
>There are a million such packages that turn up with a google search, most
>or at least a lot of them are suited to the blog world, so I thought Id
>turn here to see what people are using in their own digital collections
>to achieve such a function.  Any anecdotes, recommendations, reviews or
>suggestions would be most welcome.
>Chris Edwards
>Head, Beinecke Digital Studio
>Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
>Yale University
>Tel: 203.436.4690
>chris.edwards at
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