Forwarded on behalf of Rebecca Hopman, UMD iSchool student...

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From: Rebecca Hopman <>
Date: Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 12:28 AM
Subject: 2012 Survey Results: Social Media Use in Archives and Special


This past summer, I conducted the "Social Media Use in Archives and Special
Collections" survey in order to find out what kinds of archives and special
collections use social media, as well as how and why they use these

I received 185 responses during the two weeks the survey was open, and the
results proved to be very interesting. I have compiled the data into a PDF
to share with the community, which you can find at As a result of what respondents said in the
survey, I created a series of one-page guides intended to help archivists
and librarians use social media in their repository (also found at the
above URL). I plan on creating more resources for both new and advanced
social media users in the future.

Please feel free to forward the survey results and guides to other members
of the professional community, especially those who might not subscribe to
this listserv. When sharing these resources, please provide a link back to
my website.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at
rchopman at


Rebecca Hopman

rchopman at

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