Before we can measure success, we must first be able to answer the question: 
Why is social media important for museums and what are we hoping to achieve? 

Join the next #musesocial chat on Tuesday, April 23, 4-6pm ET. This chat will 
be about connecting our social media efforts to broader strategies and goals.

We will discuss:
?       How do you craft your goals for social media?
?       How do you define social media "engagement"?
?       What parts of your mission and/or strategy align with your social media 
?       Do you have a separate social media strategy or is it part of a broader 
digital plan?
?       How do you currently report social media success? Is it proactive or 
requested by leadership?
?       Do your reports inform and alter your tactical approaches to social 
media outreach?
?       Are you happy with your current goals, measurement (metrics), and 
reporting process? Why not?
?       What are your burning questions about defining and measuring social 
media success in museums?

Your host: @danamuses (Dana Allen-Greil)



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