The link doesn't seem to work -- message says that it can't access the
blog.  If you can send me some other way of getting to the information, I
would be very interested in learning more about it.

Lenore Sarasan

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Ari Davidow <aridavidow at> wrote:

> I am exploring ways to pull LOD together. Someone at the delightful
> #drinkingaboutmuseums:BOS last night pointed me to Google Open Gallery.
> At first glance, it appears to be a less capable Omeka--a way to dump some
> data online, but without any underlying linked data? From the Google blog
> post on the subject,
> get the impression that this is an extension of the existing Google
> Cultural Institute, but now open to the public.
> To find out more, it looks like I have to request an account--it's not yet
> automated. Has anyone already worked with either of these tools? Anything
> to report, good/bad/indifferent? (If not, I'm prepared to be the
> reporter-back....)
> Thanks,
> ari
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