> From: akeshet at imj.org.il
> To: mcn-l at mcn.edu
> Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:43:03 +0000
> Subject: [MCN-L] Wayback Machine archiving
> Just because it might interest someone (and because I didn't know it's this 
> easy), I'm passing along the message below.
> Amalyah Keshet
> Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
> The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
> Chair, MCN IP SIG
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Users can now use The Wayback Machine to archive just about
> any web page at ANY time.
> This is a relatively new feature and like the Wayback Machine itself ...
> In other words, users no longer have to wait for the Wayback crawler
> to visit a page and permanently store a copy.
> Now, any user can do themselves when they want, as often as they want.
> Getting the job done is easy.
> Simply copy the url of the page you want to save (some call this
> "freezing" the page at a specific moment in time") and paste it into
> the "Save Page Now" box on the Wayback homepage.
> http://archive.org/web/
> Within a couple of seconds you will be given a direct and permanent
> link to the page FROZEN at the specific moment you pressed the "save
> page" button.
> That's it.
> Not only is this useful but it brings the topic about saving and
> archiving what you find since the web is so ephemeral. The way a page
> looks and the content it contains might look different on Wed. vs. how
> it looked on Monday. Heck, the page/content might also be totally
> removed.
> p.s. If you want to take the time, this bookmarklet (it's also free)
> makes saving a web page using Wayback a 100% point and click
> operation. Just drag to your toolbar.
> http://marklets.com/Save%20Page%20to%20Wayback%20Machine.aspx
> p.p.s. Probably also worth noting that some sites block the Wayback
> crawler from archiving a page...  An example, try saving a
> page from WashingtonPost.com and see what happens.
> Gary D. Price, MLIS
> Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal's INFOdocket.com
> Co-Founder and Editor, FullTextReports.com
> Information Industry Analyst
> Librarian
> http://INFOdocket.com
> http://FullTextReports.com
> -----------------------------
> [Insert your disclaimer here]
> -----------------------------
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