Alex--I'll follow this thread with interest. After checking fee structures
for a couple of big digital archives, we are considering a similar
collaboration with small museums and historical societies in the area. I
pitched the idea of jointly funding the startup costs with grant money to
the head of the Digital Curation program in our state university system,
thinking that they have enough technical muscle to make them an ideal
partner in an endeavor like this. Haven't heard back yet.
I assume you're considering an OAIS-modelled system which would contain a
method of fixity checking archived data periodically.

Best regards, Matt


Matt Wheeler,
Photography Archives,
Penobscot Marine Museum
Archives (207) 548-2529 ext. 211
5 Church Street, PO Box 498
Searsport, Maine 04974

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Alex Privee <aprivee at> wrote:

> I represent a historic house museum looking to design a suitable backup
> system for our digitized records but lack an IT professional on staff or
> contact to design a system for us. We plan on using AWS Glacier for
> disaster recovery but we require the technological infrastructure for
> onsite backup. Our current systems involves manual transfer of files to a
> RAID external hard drive that backs up to a small non-RAID network drive.
> It's clunky, prone to user error and above all makes me nervous. Does
> anyone have recommendations for hardware/software to backup around 3 TB of
> data (our current usage is 1.5 TB but will grow to 3 by the time we have
> completed digitization). I have read a lot of information regarding the
> requirements for such a system but no discussion of an actual
> implementation of it. I'd also be interested in hearing of any consortium's
> of small museums / archives that pool data backup system costs.
> Thanks,
> Alexander Privee
> Archivist
> Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
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