This workshop might be of interest to those of you managing moving image
(analog and digital) materials. It's being held as a pre-conference workshop
at the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) conference, but
attendees can register separately. I should note that this year, the
conference has a special stream on "digital" aspects of preserving and
providing access to digital AV content. More info on the conference in
general:  <> 



AMIA Cataloging & Metadata Workshop | October 7-8, 2014 | Savannah, Georgia

The 2014 edition of this bi-annual workshop includes new content and offers
attendees-past and future alike-a workshop that emphasizes practical
implementation through the use of hands-on exercises and addresses how the
attendee can concretely integrate new models for description into their
current workflows and environments.    The two-day program moves the
attendee from concept to implementation starting with cataloging principles
and metadata concepts that form the basis for describing and providing
access to moving images in an evolving media and media technology
environment. The workshop includes information about the role of cataloging
for analog and digital asset management; the value, purpose and application
of metadata and cataloging standards; management of resources through their
life cycles; descriptive, structural, and administrative metadata (including
rights and preservation metadata); and, data models and data mapping.
Dynamic presentations encompass film, video, digital, and broadcast
materials and include interactive exercises to put cataloging and metadata
concepts directly into practice. 


For more information, go to:




Linda Tadic

Executive Director

Audiovisual Archive Network (AVAN)

 <mailto:ltadic at> ltadic at

tel. (310) 402-7191





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