Dear MCN & Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG members,

The 31st annual meeting of the Museum Computer Network in Las Vegas (now
less than 3 weeks away!!) is shaping up to be quite an interesting program
for those of us interested in standards and controlled vocabulary. 

In addition to attending some of the great sessions and workshops listed
below (many Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG sponsored), we hope you
will join us for the annual meeting of the Standards & Controlled
Vocabulary SIG on Friday November 7th from 12:00-1:30pm. We'll be meeting
at the registration desk at noon and will then depart to a local restaurant
(tba). The meeting is open to current SIG members and anyone interested in
joining the SIG. We will discuss projects and activities of interest to the
group, talk about new developments in the field, and brainstorm ideas for
workshops and sessions for next year's conference. 

So, please join us in Capri 102 at the Registration Desk on Friday, Nov. 7
at noon!

Mary W. Elings, Co-Chair, MCN Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG
Layna White, Co-Chair, MCN Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG

Please check out these interesting sessions and workshops:


Thursday, November 6 1:30-3:00pm
Developments in Descriptive Metadata for Digital Collections
(co-sponsored by the Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG and the Visual
Resources Association Data Standards Committee)
A look at developing XML schema for descriptive metadata, particularly in
the context of METS implementations. Schema discussed will include Spectrum
XML, VRA XML, MODS, Dublin Core XML and others.

Thursday, November 6 3:30-5:00pm
Cataloguing Cultural Objects: A New Tool for Descriptive Cataloguing
(presented by the Visual Resources Association)
Cataloguing Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Objects and
Their Images (CCO Guide) is a new resource that addresses this gap by
outlining practices for describing, documenting, and cataloguing cultural
objects and their visual surrogates

Friday, November 7th 8:30-10:00am
Realistic Data Standards: Balancing Technology Standards and User
Information Needs 
Results of three research projects focused on usersí information needs and
technology standards will be presented. Dublin Core, VRA, AMICO and CIMI
standards will be discussed as well as XML standards.

Friday, November 7th 10:30-12:00pm
What Users Want: Evaluating Digital Resources
(sponsored by the Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG)
This session will explore what makes digital resources useful, relevant or
stimulating for learning, teaching, research and experiences.

Friday, November 7th 3:30-5:00pm
What Users Get: Delivering Digital Resources for Education and Research
(co-sponsored by the sponsored by the Standards & Controlled Vocabulary SIG
and the Digital Media SIG)
An investigation into how the digital materials museums create can be
leverage more effectively for education.


Saturday, November 8th 9:00am-4:00pm
Getting Started With XML
This workshop introduces participants to XML through numerous examples,
demonstrations, and structured hands-on exercises.

Mary W. Elings
Archivist for Digital Collections
The Bancroft Library
University of California 
Berkeley, CA 94720-6000
Ph 510-643-2273
Fx 510-643-2548

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