Marla -
Here's a link to an article about CD-Rs and deterioration rate.  (I received the link from a fellow student in a library and information management class).  Although a CD-R is not a DVD, you may be able to search the archives of this publication and find more pertinent information.
Apparently, some CD-Rs turn out to be unsuitable for long-term archiving because
they degrade after a couple of years.  It turns out the culprits
may be adhesive labels for the CD, and the quality of the dye used to
make the CD.  Manufactured CDs that purchased software comes on (like
AOL disks) are manufactured a different way, and less likely to degrade
with time.

Denise Lajetta, Administrative Specialist
Center for Indigenous Nations Studies

University of Kansas
2114 Jayhawk Blvd., Lippincott Rm. 105
Lawrence, KS 66045

W: 785/864-2254  email:

America had often been discovered before

Columbus, but it had always been hushed up.

                   Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)


-----Original Message-----
From: Misunas, Marla []
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 2:06 PM
Subject: Archival fixed storage media

Hi everyone,


At SFMOMA we are beginning to archive some large raw image files (our servers are getting full) and are looking to tap into your information/experience on the elusive question of which fixed storage media we should use -- now.  Should we use Kodak’s Gold Ultima?  Should we use DVD?  Does anyone have information on predicted longevity for DVD?  Is there a specific type of DVD we should use?  Is there an archival alternative to DVD?  Which different redundant media storage formats are recommended?  Does anyone (really) migrate their fixed media every few years?  Any issues about migration we should look out for?


We’ve tossed these questions around for quite a while and we are familiar with many resources (such as the Colorado Digitization Program) but as our field is always updating itself, I wanted to check in on any current thinking/research, etc.


Thanks so much for any ideas or suggestions. 


Marla Misunas

Collections Information Manager

Collections Information and Access

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

(415) 357- 4186 (voice)

(415) 947-1186 (fax)


Board Member, Museum Computer Network

Conference Co-Chair, Minneapolis 2004



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