US Art Museums: charging models & policy for digital resources

I am seeking information about any charging practice in US Art Museums for the sale of digital versions of cultural resources.

KDCS is carrying out an extensive survey and investigation on behalf of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and need as many responses to our online survey as possible. If you class yourself as an art museum and are based in the USA then please come to the URL below and complete our online survey.

The online survey, with 19 questions, seeks to find basic information that is publicly available about your museum's activity. It should take no more than 25 minutes of your time to complete.

Many thanks in advance for your assistance.

Simon Tanner
Director   King s Digital Consultancy Services

Background Information to the Survey:
The survey seeks to explore the basic cost and policy models adopted in arriving at pricing structures for delivering digital surrogates of unique or rare items. The results will provide a unique examination of a fast evolving market of international cultural significance.

The online survey, with 19 questions, seeks to find basic information that is publicly available about your museum's pricing activity. It should take no more than 25 minutes of your time to complete.

We value any contribution and give the following assurances:
1. We will acknowledge and list all the institutions that take part in the survey. However, the survey results will be aggregated to preclude identification of single organizations. 2. The results will be disseminated via free and open access Web resources and papers. 3. The association between you and your organization and the information you provide will be known only to the members of the research team. 4. If the information you provide contributes to any publication, it will be presented in a manner which precludes any direct association with you and your organization. 5. We will not retain the data or personal information longer than is necessary to complete the study.

Background Information on the study:
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has made a grant to KDCS for a study of USA art museum policy and practice regarding the market for digital resources.

The study aims to examine the new market realities and opportunities cultural institutions face due to the transition to digitized collections. The project will explore the cost and policy models adopted in arriving at pricing structures for delivering surrogates of unique or rare items as digital objects. Further, it aims to discover the key factors that affect the willingness of museums to collaborate and enable digital content to be shared. The results will provide a unique examination of a fast evolving market of international cultural significance.

The USA study is an extension of Simon Tanner's previous work for the Mellon Foundation, which looked into pricing policy within the UK and other European libraries and museums. The results of the previous study are linked from the KDCS website.

Simon Tanner
Director - KCL Digital Consultancy Services
Kings College London
Tel: 020 7848 1678      Mob: 07793 403542

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