Hello, fellow mcn-l subscribers:

Those of you who plan to attend our fall conference and who haven't yet booked a flight may want to visit www.nwa.com; after checking daily for some time now, I just found that (as of today) Northwest is running promo fares that cut nearly in half the cost of nonstops from Hartford to Minneapolis. We're such a small market that I'd guess similar savings might be in effect for other itineraries.

The savings may even be enough to make it worth rebooking extant reservations and paying a change penalty (e.g., Hartford nonstops dropped by over $200).

Rob Lancefield                           rlancefi...@wesleyan.edu
Registrar of Collections / Manager of Museum Information Services
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University      www.wesleyan.edu/dac
301 High Street, Middletown CT 06459 USA        tel. 860.685.2965
Board of Directors, Museum Computer Network           www.mcn.edu

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