You can now use a News Reader to read all posts to Talk@Museum-Ed discussion list as a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed by pasting the following URL into your program:

You do not have to be a talk@museum-ed subscriber to get the RSS feed.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with RSS have added a page to the Museum-Ed site which provides an introduction and links to other RSS content and sites where New Reader applications can be downloaded (

Museum-Ed is a not-for-profit Web site dedicated to providing museum educators opportunities to ask questions, to exchange ideas, to explore current issues, to share resources, to reflect on experiences, and to inspire new directions in museum education. Museum-Ed is not a membership organization. All of the resources on the Museum-Ed Web site are free and available to educators in any type of museum, and anyone interested in the field of museum education.

Scott Sayre

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