"The battle over digital copyrights and illegal file sharing is often 
portrayed as a struggle between Internet scofflaws and greedy corporations. 
Online music junkies with no sense of the marketplace, the argument goes, 
want to download, copy and share copyrighted materials without restriction. 
The recording industry, on the other hand, wants to squeeze dollars - by 
lawsuit and legislation, if necessary - from its property.

The issue, of course, is far subtler than this, but one aspect of the 
caricature is dead on: the artists are nowhere to be found.  A survey 
released yesterday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, an arm of 
the Pew Research Center in Washington, aims to change that. The report, 
"Artists, Musicians and the Internet," combines and compares the opinions 
of three groups: the general public, those who identify themselves as 
artists of various stripes (including filmmakers, writers and digital 
artists) and a somewhat more self-selecting category of musicians.

Most notably, it is the first large-scale snapshot of what the people who 
actually produce the goods that downloaders seek (and that the industry 
jealously guards) think about the Internet and file-sharing..."


Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Tel +972-2-670-8874
Fax +972-2-670-8064 
"06down.url" (missing attachment)
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