Heck this out. The flash demo looks great.


Trudy Levy
Consultant for Digital Imaging Projects

Image Integration 415 750 1274    http://www.DIG-Mar.com
Membership Chair, Visual Resources Association  http://vraweb.org
Images are information - Manage them

------ Forwarded Message
Reply-To: "SLA/SF Listserv" <sla...@exploratorium.edu>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 16:44:42 -0800
To: sla...@isaac.exploratorium.edu
Subject: SLA-SF: GuruNet morphs into answers.com

"GuruNet--a reference service that bypasses search engines to yield
information on terms in any document--launched a new Web site Monday
that it
insists will not compete with Google.
Now, after an unsuccessful foray into the enterprise search market, the
company has returned to its consumer roots by retiring its subscription
service in favor of an ad-supported revenue model and launching
a Web site that will allow people to access its information warehouse
without downloading the GuruNet application."


It is available for Windows and Mac OSX (free) for free.
I looked at the flash demo, under 2 minutes duration, which really
explains what it does.


Deborah Hunt
Senior Information Specialist
3601 Lyon Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Voice: 415-353-0485
Fax:   415-561-0370

"There is no such thing as a self-made (wo)man. We are made up of
thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or
spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the makeup of
our character and our thoughts, as well as our success."
George Matthew Adams


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