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RLG's Descriptive Metadata Guidelines

RLG is pleased to announce that its new guide to descriptive metadata for
unique cultural objects is available online.  Written by an expert working
group and vetted by a wide community, the Descriptive Metadata Guidelines
for RLG Cultural Materials demystifies the daunting concepts and acronyms
in the field of descriptive metadata.
Not just for RLG Cultural Materials contributors, the overview is useful
for anyone across the spectrum of museums, libraries, and archives who is
interested in fast-tracking collection items for online access. The
guidelines give practical advice to implementers, but also provide context
for the decision-maker. They can be used to create or review local best
practice in describing collections and their objects--regardless of the
specific metadata standards you use.

The new guidelines can be freely accessed at:

This document is a complete revision of the initial guidelines, last
updated in 2003. The guide draws upon RLG's experience in aggregating these
one-of-a-kind objects for the RLG Cultural Materials database and its
spin-off, Trove.net (tm).

Günter Waibel
Program Officer/RLG
2029 Stierlin Court, Suite 100, Mountain View, CA  94043 USA
voice: +1-650-691-2304 | fax: +1-650-964-1461

* RLG (www.rlg.org) supports researchers and learners worldwide by
expanding access to research materials held in libraries, archives, and
museums. RLG works with and for its member organizations enhancing their
ability to provide research resources. RLG designs and delivers innovative
information discovery services, organizes collaborative programs, and takes
an active role in creating and promoting relevant standards and practices.

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