Title: SM SIG: Small Museum SIG page now available

The Small Museum SIG page is now on line at http://www.mcn.edu/resources/sigsm/index.htm. There is also a link to it on the MCN Special Interest Groups page of the Museum Computer Network site. Many thanks to Rob Lancefield for doing the work on it.

At this point there are only a few links on it, but I hope that people will continue to give me suggestions for links for the page. I also want to thank all those who gave me useful links last month in reply to my original message. The choice of which ones were linked to the page was completely my own.

I would like to encourage anyone with news or links relevant to small museums and archives to please post them to this list. I also hope that those of you working in small institutions that have technical questions or wish to get advice post their questions to this list.


David Farrell, Co-ordinator, Heritage Collections (Chair, Small Museum SIG)

Peel Heritage Complex

9 Wellington Street East
Brampton, ON   L6W 1Y1
(905) 791-4055 ext. 3628
(905) 451-4931 fax

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