RE:  Canadian Copyright Bill Tabled Today

On Monday, June 20, 2005, the Government of Canada introduced a bill to amend the Canadian Copyright Act.  This is the first major amendment to the Canadian Act since 1997 ˆ and since many digital copyright issues have arisen.  The bill deals with the following issues:
  • Amendments bringing the Canadian Act up to the minimum standards in the two WIPO digital treaties, the WIPO Copyright Treaty, and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty
  • Internet Service Provider Liability
  • Educational and Research Access Issues
  • Photography Issues

Educational use of Internet material was not addressed in the bill and will be part of a new public consultation process.  The Government will continue to work on its medium-term copyright revision issues.

As of Monday at 4:30, the bill is not available in an electronic form.  A press release and backgrounder on the bill is at:!OpenDocument.

Best regards,

Lesley Ellen Harris
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