We are considering creating some public hotspots (@ entrances and in
cafeteria) for our visitors to use.  We have some evening and other programs
where that kind of access would be seen as a service.  Right now we are not
considering a charge but that is still undecided.  We have a T-1 that we can
dedicate to this project and we have spare network capacity so we can
connect these areas on their own physical network.  We have wireless in some
back office areas and in storage so this is not a quesion on how to set up
wireless access.  My questions are aimed at anyone who has done this for
public spaces and if they have suggestions on how that set-up needs to
differ. Do we require logins or registration, what info if any do we
capture?  Has anyone developed end user instructions to help visitors
connect?  Have there been any issues with staff having to service visitors
attempting to connect?  Has anyone developed any disclaimer language on the
use of the service? Does anyone have any recommendations of hardware and

Thanks to all.



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