----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Surratt" <bsurr...@lib-gw.tamu.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 12:41 AM
Subject: Reminder: Call for speakers on rights metadata in IRs at ALA 2006

(This is a reminder. The deadline for proposals is August 30, 2005.)

The Networked Resources and Metadata Interest Group (NRMIG) of the
Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) is
seeking speakers for a program scheduled for the 2006 American Library
Association Annual Conference in New Orleans. The program is tentatively
scheduled for Sunday, June 25, 2006 from 1:30 to 5:30 pm. The title of
the program is "Rights Metadata in Institutional Repositories."

Description of the program:
As universities and other academic institutions implement institutional
repositories, they must remain sensitive to the needs of their
constituencies, especially the faculty and students that are constantly
creating new knowledge. Scholarly communication is moving online at an
increasing pace, and the technology that enables digital publishing has
accelerated faster than our ability to meet the legal requirements of
copyright. Rights management systems provide potential solutions to the
complexities of copyright and access management. This program will
provide a forum for discussing trends in rights management for
institutional repositories.

We are seeking speakers for three one-hour presentations. We will
consider single or multiple speakers for each presentation. Descriptions
of the presentations:

1) "Opening doors to learning: standards for rights management." This
presentation will cover the use of metadata standards for access
management. Potential topics include Shibboleth, XrML, ODRL, and
METSRights. The discussion will focus on the purpose of standards, as
well as their practical application and future development

2) "Copyright stakeholders in IRs: A balancing act." This presentation
will analyze the stakeholders in IRs and evaluate their motivations in
the context of new forms of scholarly communication. Some of these
stakeholders include faculty, students, universities, academic
libraries, commercial publishers, and open access publishers. The
discussion will analyze how cultural and legal issues impact the
development of IR systems, programs, and services and how rights
management metadata is meeting those needs.

3) "Managing access at University X: a case study." This presentation
will feature a case study from the implementation of an actual IR. The
topics discusses will include planning and development of the IR with an
emphasis on rights management and access issues.

Those interested in presenting may contact Brian Surratt
(bsurr...@lib-gw.tamu.edu) or Michael Babinec
(m-babi...@northwestern.edu), the NRMIG Programming Co-chairs. Please
provide the title for the presentation, an abstract of no more than 300
words, and the duration of the presentation.

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Brian Surratt, MLIS
Metadata Coordinator
Digital Initiatives, Research and Technology
Texas A&M University Libraries
http://di.tamu.edu/bsurratt/ (979) 845-5454

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