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A friend came across this and passed it to me, and I definitely thought it was worth sharing here:

"The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) provides access to digital curation expertise and best practice for the creation, management and preservation of digital information to enable its use and re-use over time. A key objective for this project is the creation and maintenance of a world-class Digital Curation Manual. The DCC Digital Curation Manual is a community-driven resource - from the selection of instalment topics through to authorship and peer review."

    brian cors
    system administrator

    university of michigan museum of art
    525 south state street
    ann arbor, mi  48109-1354    usa

    1.734.647.0529  [work]    1.734.764.3731  [ fax]
    bricors  [aim]        CF32A6D1  [pgp key id]

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