
Thanks for inventing this. I'm having a wonderful time avoiding work by reading your linked scholarly literature, which I recommend to all: "...he hacked the MoMA and the Met. Meet Banksy, the most wanted man in the art world."
Who needs technology when chutzpah will get you so far?

Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 5:40 PM
Subject: Library, Archive and (yes!) Museum Blog

Hi everybody,

I thought you might be interested in hearing about a blog RLG staff
launched about 3 weeks ago. We thought that a blog could give those of us
who go to a lot of conferences and visit member institutions a nice outlet
to write about the ideas and curiosities we encounter along the way. The
loose theme of the blog is the intersection of libraries, museums and
archives - recent entries have focused on digital preservation, digital
asset management, descriptive metadata, etc. Something for everyone! We've
called it after the rather infamous Benjamin Franklin
quote "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang
separately. ��

If you are a regular blog reader, you might want to add HangingTogether to
your feed.  If you have not checked out the blogosphere yet, here's your

I'd also be curious to hear from anyone out there who has discovered (or is
writing?) a genuine "technology in museums" blog - I haven't seen anything
yet. Are there any other blogs out there you find helpful & informative?


G �nter


G �nter Waibel
Program Officer/RLG
2029 Stierlin Court, Suite 100, Mountain View, CA  94043 USA
voice: +1-650-691-2304 | fax: +1-650-964-1461
guenter.wai...@notes.rlg.orgb.\&v&ryVjGb:+)SÏ ª& ±iZGj)mWÈúûg']n9X«´ ôqj ^

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