This is primarily directed at those attending Susan Jane Williams and my
workshop, but others might be interested.  As we were discussing a digital
asset collection that served the whole museum, several good questions came
up regarding just that.  Many from IT felt that they had the assets
regarding their physical collections well in hand, but were stymied as to
how to approach the other creators of digital assets, such as graphics,
promotional material and other ephemera.
During the workshop, we tried to present several ways to approach this
problem, but I thought afterwards that some case studies, of what others
have done, might also be useful.

So, here are two article that I wrote, which discuss two such solutions.

"For best collaborative results, diversify input"
"Searchable by Others "

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.



Trudy Levy
Consultant for Digital Imaging Projects

Image Integration 415 750 1274
Membership Chair, Visual Resources Association
Images are information - Manage them

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