Posted on behalf of Nik Honeysett, Vice-Chair of AAM's Media & Technology
Committee. - Günter


Dear MCN Member:

Many of you may be members of the American Association of Museum's Media &
Technology Standing Professional Committee. They have recently undergone a
strategic visioning process, and are seeking individuals to serve on their
board, five positions are available. Serving on the board is a great
opportunity to contribute to the Museum professional community, meet and
work with colleagues and peers, enhance your professional development and
raise the profile of your institution. By joining the board you would
commit time and energy to fulfill your assigned duties and tasks, and enjoy
the satisfaction of making a valued contribution. Each of the vacant
positions are two-year positions with duties to begin just prior to the AAM
Annual Meeting in Boston this April. For more information and details on
how to apply please visit

In order to apply you must be both a member of AAM and a member of one of
AAM's standing professional committees.

Applications will be accepted until January 31st.

Nik Honeysett
Vice-Chair, Media and Technology SPC

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