In order to attend an MCN conference, I must apply for learning grants from my national and provincial museum associations. In some cases, a conference itself is not considered a learning event and as such would not qualify for funding. Attending a workshop, however, does qualify making it much easier to obtain funding. So I would encourage you to keep the workshops!
Jim Whittome
Museums and Collections Services
University of Alberta

From: Christine Bostick []
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 8:22 AM
Subject: MCN Pasadena

Good Morning All:
We are busy working on the plans for our conference upcoming in November in Pasadena.  One of the things the Executive Committee has been wrestling with is workshops.  In the past we have had a few workshops with a reasonable attendance.  Our question to you is this, would you like to see workshops continue or would you rather see more time devoted to sessions?
Please let us know your opinion so we can plan a conference around your thoughts.
Christine Bostick
2006 Conference Chairman
Museum Computer Network

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