I designed a digital photography system for archiving fine art, print material and photographs. Unfortunately this project could not be realized, but the equipment had already been acquired. The system sits unused in boxes as I have yet to find someone who could fully utilize the equipment. I am hoping you might know of someone who would have a use for this system.

Please take a look at images of the equipment and more detailed information on each item.

The system was designed to be portable, but would work perfectly in a single location. It is based on a PhaseOne 16 megapixel digital back on a Hasselblad 553ELX with a 120Makro lens. The lighting system is a ProFoto 600 Compact Pack, so you get 1200 watts (2x 600 watt heads) of non-UV strobe lighting. The system can take 4080 x 4080 pixel (13.6" x 13.6" 300dpi) images at a rate of 2-5 secs. per image at 48- bit RGB. The system is complete so there are light stands, a tripod with geared head, softboxes for the strobes, light meter, etc.

All equipment (except Hasselblad) was brand new in June 2005. Two test shoots were undertaken in the in-house studio on fine art works and printed material. The total time the equipment has been used is approximately 4-6 hours. The digital back has had less than 1000 exposures. All equipment has been packed back in the original boxes and unused since July. Everything is indistinguishable from brand new.

Most of the equipment is on a lease. An Apple Powerbook G4 and the Hasselblad body/lens are not on the lease. As such, the equipment cannot be sold off the lease so I am looking for someone interested in assuming the lease from me. The Powerbook and Hasselblad could possibly be added to the lease or sold directly to the lease assumer if desired.

The lease is a 36 month, fair market value buyout lease. Since it was started in June there are about 30 months left. If someone were to assume the lease they would only be responsible for the remaining 30 months and not for what I have already paid. So this is equivalent to either a 30 month lease or a 36 month lease which has already had 17% paid on it. The leasing company is willing to change the buyout from fair market value to $1 buyout, however they are not willing to change the lease length.

My current payments are $650/month with an additional $75 for sales and property taxes. As a fair market value lease the payments are fully deductible as business expenses. I do not have numbers for what the cost of a $1 buyout option would be as the lease company has to determine that. The initial cost of the equipment on lease was close to $17,000 with the Powerbook and Hasselblad adding about $5000.

On lease assumption some changes can be made to the lease. No items can be removed, but items can be added. For example, PhaseOne now has up to 39 megapixel digital backs. They have a very good upgrade plan, so it is possible to upgrade to a higher level back on this lease.

This is a wonderful set of equipment and I don't like to see it just sit in boxes when it could be in active use. I am very interested in finding a new home for this equipment as soon as possible, so I am very flexible in working with interested parties.

Feel free to contact me directly by email or phone: 918-369-4126

Thank you for your time.

Robert Coldwell

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